Dental fillings

What is a dental filling?

A dental restoration or filling is a dental restorative material used to artificially restore the function, integrity and morphology of decayed tooth structure

Which material is used for tooth filling?

Various tooth colored filling/ restorative materials are used such as composites, resin modified cements etc.

What happens during a filling?

Decayed part of the tooth is removed using dental drills following which the cavitated part is filled with the restorative material.

Does filling a milk tooth interfere with eruption of permanent teeth?

Since a filling restores a hole or cavitation on the milk tooth, it remains on the milk tooth when it sheds off. Therefore, filling on a milk tooth does not interfere with the eruption of the permanent tooth.

Does a cavity filling on permanent tooth last forever?

Filling material is almost similar to tooth structure but its still artificial!!! If the oral hygiene is maintained well by regular brushing, flossing and rinsing, the life of a filling is prolonged. Usually a filling works well for a decade after which it may need some repair.

Children’s Dental Center was first established in Seoul in 1992. It was the first exclusive pediatric dental center in South Korea. There are 3 branches and 12 franchises of Children’s Dental Center spread across South Korea with more than 200 staff members in its network. CDC Hospital in Seoul, South Korea has 23 unit chairs spread across five floors. It also has baby tooth stem cell bank which banks exfoliated baby teeth for isolation of stem cells if required in future.

CDC Gurgaon is the first branch of Children’s Dental Center in India. It’s aim is to achieve good dental health for your child through clinical expertise, compassion, understanding and education. It strives to build a strong relationship with child patients based on tender, love and care.