What is myofunctional trainer?
Myofunctional trainer is a prefabricated appliance which helps the tongue, jaws and oral muscles to function correctly. Most people assume that facial development problems plus crowded or protruded teeth are hereditary. It is a fact that while some are, most are the result of poor oral habits. These bad oral habits are preventable and treatable and at ages much younger than those for orthodontic procedures.
Does my child need a myofunctional trainer?
Your child will need a trainer if he/she has any of the following: mouthbreathing, thumb sucking. Tongue thrusting, overactiove lips, reverse swallow, large overbite, teeth crowding, crooked teeth and protruding teeth.
A few simple guidelines
The posture of the jaws affects its growth. Mouthbreathers tend to develop long, unattractive faces, an underdeveloped jaw and dental crowding. Remember it is important to correct those bad habits at the earliest age.
At what age should a myofunctional trainer therapy begin?
The best age to begin with the trainer system is 5- 8 years. Ask your pediatric dentist if your child needs a trainer.
For how long will my child need a myofunctional trainer?
Effectiveness of trainer appliance depends on the compliance of the child. Better the compliance, lesser the duration of the treatment. The average treatment time may range from 6 months to one and a half years.
How does myofunctional trainer treat bad habits?
This treatment focuses on prevention, non-intrusive retraining of the oral musculature and the elimination of bad oral habits. Don’t forget that the face is more visible than the teeth. So, in terms of attractiveness and self-confidence, addressing these issues is very important for the child.
For how many hours will my child need to use a myofunctional trainer?
A child is usually asked to use wear the appliance for one hour during day time and throughout the night.
Will my child need orthodontic treatment after using the trainer?
Trainer is meant to correct the musculature surrounding the teeth. If the child has started using trainer in time, the teeth may align properly as they erupt under the influence of proper musculature. However, if started late, it can correct the musculature but for correction of already malpositioned teeth, orthodontic treatment may be required. But use of trainer reduces the extent of orthodontic treatment and also decreases the chances of removal of permanent teeth for orthodontic treatment.
Why should I use trainer now if my child may require orthodontic treatment later?
Orthodontic treatment only aligns the teeth. However, if surrounding musculature is not functioning correctly, it can cause the teeth to get malaligned again under the influence of muscles, after the completion of treatment of orthodontic treatment.
CDC Gurgaon is the first branch of Children’s Dental Center in India. It’s aim is to achieve good dental health for your child through clinical expertise, compassion, understanding and education. It strives to build a strong relationship with child patients based on tender, love and care.